Live your beliefs
Advice, advocacy and education to promote rights of conscience, religion and belief
We’re human rights advocates
Why we started Ethos
Everyone needs to ask and answer big questions about life. We all search for meaning and try to live in a way that’s faithful to what we believe. But our society is becoming more polarised, making it even harder for minority beliefs to be treated with respect and fairness.
We help Kiwis of all faiths freely live out their conscience and deepest convictions
We want to contribute to a better culture, one where we respect each other’s differences and make space for people to live out their beliefs even where we disagree. We protect and promote fundamental human rights like freedom of conscience and the right to manifest religion, and we help people understand why these rights matter and how they contribute to a healthy society.
Combining our diverse experience with an alliance of expert lawyers
Our team has diverse experience, with backgrounds that include law, policy, communications, strategy, and governance. We also engage with a network of lawyers who provide expert advice and assistance. That gives us the ability to help a wide range of clients.
In the bonds of love we meet
The issues we work on are sensitive and they raise important questions about civility and social cohesion. We aim to address them in a way that’s gracious and constructive, while also being clear about what’s at stake. Ethos has a Christian starting point, but we’ll work with people of any faith or none.
Our services
Featured articles
Why we shouldn't expand the End of Life Choice Act
Euthanasia and conscience rights
The Human Rights Commission’s approach to “conversion ideology” has worrying implications for religious freedom
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